Grampa lop

Once upon a time there was a old rabbit name lop There was a rabbit and grampa lop telling a story. Once upon a time there was a Wizard of the wood after he told a whole story to rabbits thinking it’s not true about his story and they say to him the magic forest is not true he said of course it is real and the rabbits said you are lying and they go somewhere else. The rabbits are doing something and they go back to the grampa lops place. After that the rabbits said your story is not real the rabbit said and grampa lop stood and said the wizard of the woods and they were surprised and they stick together and the end.

How to play Tennis Netball


  How to play Tennis Netball First don’t move if you hold a ball. Second pass your teams to grab the ball. If you fall, the ball means you pass to another team and play again. If you put the ball in the blue line it means you got a point. That’s how you play Tennis Netball.

The Backyard Adventure

 This is the story of The Backyard Adventure. Once upon a time there was a boy named Carlos and his friend Cam. They have fun with each other. One day Cam had a great idea. Lets go camping, Cam said. Cool said Carlos. Carlos dad helped to make a tent and Carlos mom brought out a plate of cookies Carlos mom said Call me if you need anything she said. The boys have so much fun in the tent. The boys sleep in the sleeping bag, close their eyes and sleep. Until suddenly two boys heard something. Someone was out the tent Carlos said did you hear that asked Carlos yup said Cam someone is rattling the trash can. And another sound like swish and and Cam said did you hear that again Carlos said yeah it is coming this way Cam get the flashlight and turn on the flashlight and saw a big creature that got pointing eyes and a huge shadow. Cam said did you think what a think he said yes Carlos said Monster! they are freaky out and Carlos mom came in the tent. Carlos mom said it just boots you just imaginations Carlos and Cam are head to sleep and his cat and the end.

How to play Grab the cone








This is how you play grab the cone. First we have to listen to what the coach says and we have to do that. He may say touch your head, hands on shoulders, do 5 star jumps, etc and when he says grab the cone, the person who gets the cone first is a winner.

T-rex hunter or scavenger

This is my duffy book. and this story is T-rex hunter or scavenger. And that story is T-rex hunter or scavenger it was Tyrannosaurus rex a savage hunter that killed its own food or was it slow-moving scavenger that stuffed itself with other dinosaurs leftovers a top tyrannosaurus rex expert looks at the evidence

The boy who cried wolf



Once upon the time there was a village and a little boy is the shepherd and the little shepherd put his sheep in the a lot of grass. One day the boy is bored that he want to be excited. The boy was thinking and he go an idea the boy said is this gonna be fun. The boy shouted and smiley and shouted wolf wolf there was the wolf he said there was a wolf in my sheep and the villagers are running so fast and they follow the voice of the boy did they come but there is no wolves in there and the boy said that was the joke but the villager’s are not happy about the joke and the villager’s warned not do this again and the little shepherd said i’m sorry that just the joke but the villager’s go to their village and work on their job. And he got bored again and decided to do it again. The boy shouted and smiley and shouted wolf wolf there wolf there was a wolf in my sheep and the villagers are running so fast and this time they a angry do not lie to us said the villager’s and got away and work their job’s. This time there was the real wolf and he cried for help wolf wolf there was the wolf there was a wolf in my sheep but the villager’s thought he was joking and they have to started to work on their job and the boy try to protect himself but the boy lost the sheep’s and the wolf eat all their sheep the boy sadly go to village he cry and the villager go to him what happen and sadly saying the wolves eat my sheep and the villager’s said its okay we all make mistake’s but we need to learn our lesson. One day the little shepherd learn his lesson and he is the change boy and he should not tell a liar but we need to tell the truth all ways